The front entry door is one of the important element of the house. You just cannot go and purchase any front door and place it at the entrance. The ideal front entry door should be something that looks handsome and elegant, and also tough at the same time.

There is a long list that needs to be fulfilled by the entry door. It should be able ensure that your house stays cosy and warm during the tough winters. Also it should be adding an additional layer of security during bad weather or any potential burglary.

The door should be durable and also beautiful to quickly create the best first impression.

The material of the entry door is one of the key components which would decide its performance. If you go in for the wrong front door material then it can reduce the lifespan of the door and cost you few expenses again.

Let us have a look at few of the best materials that can be used for the front door.

Wooden doors:

The wooden material is one of the most common choice since ages as the front entry door. It comes along with versatility and at the same time has its own beauty. The custom made wooden doors are made with maple, oak, mahogany, pine and fir.

Wooden doors

There are also some pain grade doors which are available in multiple softwood varieties. Being a traditional choice of material for the doors, it can be customized just the way you want it to. The wooden material can also be cut so as to fit in the entryway.

This would ensure that any unusual shape or size gets doable. But one of the downside of the wooden door is that it may tend to peel over a period of time or sag.


Another best option for the front entry door is the fiberglass material. It is one of the most durable material which is also resistant towards cosmetic blemishes. The insulated fiberglass are mostly made up of certain composite materials.


This material is safe and secure. Also when compared to wooden material, it is energy efficient. They need little amount of maintenance. You can also get it mimicked as per wood and the finish is really unbelievable.

The only downfall is that they are prone to fading. Though one of the expensive option but they are priced similar to the high-end doors.


Steel material is also becoming a popular option for front entry door. The steel material has a huge impact on the appeal of the overall house and also pretty much less expensive. The newer type of steel doors are now more secure as well as energy efficient.

Steel material

The doors which are made of steel material are said to be highly durable and also have a high insulating value when compared to its wooden counterparts. They are considered to be one of the most secure material for the entry door and there is less need for maintenance.

You can get them painted n any colour of your choice and also get them customized in varied styles. The only downfall of steel doors is that they are prone to rust and dent over a period of time.

Few of the finishing work would need timely periodic repainting so as to ensure that they look fresh and new.

There is no one best material that would suit all. Hence it would be a wiser option to also take into account the location of the door since the climate in that particular region plays a major factor in deciding which material can be best used. The material that you choose for the door would also be dependent on what style you would want to it to be created.

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