With the mammoth changes occurring in the field of technology, there has also been a rise in the expectation of the customer. This is something true in most of the industries and business sector. Customer satisfaction today is no longer limited to providing the guests with timely meals, or giving them the basic facilities in their room.

The definition of customer satisfaction in the hotel management has gone through considerable changes, thanks to the introduction of technology. Hospitality or the hotel management sector is one of those sectors wherein the positive experience of the customers run very high.

Technology is turning out to be a way for overcoming any challenges whether in terms of keeping the customers happy or to run a smooth business in this sector.

Technology has changed the way we travel, experience new things, share the hotel experience and so on. So if you like something about a hotel, a quick click and the next thing you know that it is on the social media.

Same stands for if you dislike something about any hotel. With the help of technology, the new-age travellers are prepping up their own itinerary and replacing the need for having a travel agent.

So you can say that everything is happening with a click of a button. Hotels on the other hand are also not far behind. They are also experiencing a much broader visibility wherein it brings travellers from every corner of the globe together.

Hoteliers are able to make use of this technology for providing better value-added services and comfort for their guests. Such a thing was not possible in the past, but technology has led to game changing scenario in the hotel management sector.

Let us have a look at few of the reasons where technology can be of good use in the hotel management sector:

Automated check-in and check-outs:

Gone are those traditional days or calling up the help desk or personally visiting the hotel and signing in for check-in or check-out. Today, this can be done with a click of button sitting remotely.

For a need to bring out improvement in the efficiencies, hotels are more towards automating the process of checking in and checking out. Mobile apps are now also making it possible if the hotel has its own application in addition to the website.

• Automated check-in and check-outs

This allows the staff of the hotel to focus more on providing customer satisfaction for their clients. The QR code on the phone or tablet is also turning out to be an easier thing for capturing the expected arrival time. This would then send a notification to the hotel so that they can make the necessary arrangements.


In the service industry, word-of-mouth publicity means a lot for this sector. Hence guests are very much likely to recommend certain locations only if they are up to date. They would prefer those hotels which are ahead in the technology curve.

This would mean integrating with modern devices, interactive digital signage, use of mobile keys, smarter television, and room controls. In certain cases, tablets have been provided so that it would give the guests control over the AC, lights and other accessories in the room.


Hotels can also make use of technology in cutting down costs when it comes to various appliances and accessories. It has never been easier to save money and energy earlier.

Post the changes in the technology, there are various go green programs that help in adjusting the room temperature, lighting of the room based on how much natural light is available in the room.

There are also motion sensors installed which automatically shuts off electricity in those spaces where there is no one present.

Using live chats:

There are a lot of merits for embedding live chat with a potential customer who has visiting the hotel website. It is turning out to be the best possible way of interacting with the customer and getting to know their needs.

Though some argue that live chatting is an expensive form of technology but it can surely help in increasing the sales and also providing a convenient platform for interacting with customers.

• Using live chats

People today prefer those websites which can quickly attend to any of their queries in the process of booking. One should not forget that “Someone’s loss can turn out to be someone’s gain”.

If one company is not able to answer the queries of customer or make the booking process simpler then surely someone else would take this opportunity.


The CRM program of the hotel would mean consolidating the data of the guests, automating the payment process and also aid in better management of the account and so one.

This would mean that the hotel is looking for ways to grow their business around various practices that tend to produce more revenue and highest rating among the competitors.

There is surely no doubt that technology has a major role to play in terms of shaping the present and the future of the hotel management sector.

Technology is taking over the need for human interactions though it cannot take it away completely. But we need a combination of both technology and human touch to have a sustainable business growth.

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